Check your skin but in particular your feet and bottom daily. If you develop pressure injuries or swelling on the legs see your doctor and follow up with your rehabilitation specialist. You should attend daily to self-skin checks and take good care with your hygiene. Use a podiatrist for managing your foot care. People with spina bifida can develop sores, calluses, blisters and burns on their feet, ankles and hips.

My reason for starting the page was / is aware people of SB, help parents facing a SB affected pregnancy, help parent with children with SB and finally to help adults with SB. This is good supportive information I wish it were available 40 years ago. My son has many of the problems you mentioned. We did not allow the tube from the brain to reduce his severe hydrocephalus because 90% of the kids were dying of infection. He made it through his first surgery at 6 hours old. And so many more… He walked for the first time at 3 years old.

This cyst is a symptom of spina bifida meningocele and myelomeningocele. Imaging tests, like an X-ray, MRI or CT scan, diagnose spina bifida occulta. The imaging test shows a clear picture of the bones in your spine that irregularly formed during fetal development.

Challenges of Living with Spina Bifida

For the maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein test, a sample of the mother’s blood is drawn and tested for alpha-fetoprotein — a protein produced by the baby. The test is done at 15 to 20 weeks of pregnancy. It’s normal for a small amount of AFP to cross the placenta and enter the mother’s bloodstream.

In one series of 17 women , antenatal complications occurred in 14/17 patients. Antenatal admissions were less frequent in women who could ambulate independently as compared with those who were wheelchair dependent. The most frequent complications related to spinal bifida include urinary tract infections, stoma complications, decubitus ulcers, and worsening back pain. Severe thoracic scoliosis in the setting of pregnancy can contribute to restrictive lung disease.

Typically, there aren’t any signs or symptoms because the spinal nerves aren’t involved. But you can sometimes see signs on the newborn’s skin above the spinal problem, including a tuft of hair, a small dimple or a birthmark. Sometimes, these skin marks can be signs of an underlying spinal cord issue that can be discovered with MRI or spinal ultrasound in a newborn. Below are the stories of three adults living with spina bifida who developed pressure sores. Read about their experiences, as well the advice they offer to other people living with spina bifida.

How is spina bifida occulta treated?

This gap happens during fetal development in the uterus. Spina bifida occulta rarely causes symptoms, and most people diagnosed with the condition don’t know they have it. Most children with spina bifida are resilient and adapt to their challenges with support from their parents, teachers and other caregivers. Most babies with myelomeningocele will need a surgically placed tube that allows fluid in the brain to drain into the abdomen . A less invasive procedure, called endoscopic third ventriculostomy, may be an option.

Musculoskeletal Impairments Caused by Spina Bifida

Women with spina bifida are able to get pregnant, but their condition can make pregnancy more complex. Normal aging process including loss of muscle strength and flexibility, less physical stamina, and a decrease in sensory abilities tend to decline faster or more sever for adults with SB. Ask a family member or friend to come with you, if possible. Sometimes it can be difficult to remember all the information provided to you during an appointment.

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The condition may also be undiagnosed in many people. It is usually just one vertebra that is involved with the common spina bifida occulta and if there are more involved then the diagnosis is more likely to be occult spinal dysraphism. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to say with any certainty which type a person has.

In some cases, the disorder can cause incomplete paralysis with urinary and bowel dysfunction. Most cases of spina bifida occulta go undiagnosed, or receive a diagnosis but don’t need treatment, as there are rarely symptoms. Before becoming pregnant, talk with your healthcare provider to make sure you’re getting enough vitamins and nutrients to prevent conditions like spina bifida from affecting your developing baby. If you have a history of spina bifida in your family and want to understand your risk of having a child with the same condition, talk to your healthcare provider about genetic testing.

The spinal cord is less able to grow as the child grows. Typically, myelomeningocele is diagnosed before or right after birth, when medical care is available. Children diagnosed with this condition should be followed by a specialized team of health care providers throughout their lives. Families should be educated on the different complications to watch for. Myelomeningocele is a severe type of spina bifida in which the membranes and the spinal nerves protrude at birth, forming a sac on the baby’s back. The exposed nervous system may become infected, so prompt surgery is needed after birth.